Friday, January 14, 2005

Hard To Swallow

This morning, Gatito (as I call the most important person in my life) said: "I'm to skinny. I have to try to eat chocolate again." He gave up sweets and chocolate a couple of years ago, because they caused heartburn. I hope he will not suffer to much when he's going to put his intention into action.


Ms Mac said...

The heartburn is worth it! Especially from the creamy Swiss chocolate, but he could also try eating lots of sweet cakes with cream in them. Trust me, I am an expert in putting on weight (4kgs over Christmas)
I have waited long enough- WHAT is the Scissor Sisters secret?

Anonymous said...

Lo curioso del asunto es que definivamente puedo vivir muy bien sin chocolates y sin pastelitos, ya que hay una gran variedad de riquisimos postres que me gustan mucho y no me provocan acidez.
Hay un refran en espanol que dice "no hay mal, que por bien no venga" y definitivamente todo esto ayuda a la parte vanidosa de mi persona.