Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Омуль For Me?

There are few things besides of Gatín that increase my heart beat as much as Siberia - well, it happened again.

On Monday, Hausi sent me an offer for a pioneer white water rafting trip to the river Омулёвка. (transcripted: Omuliovka). The name of the river is derived from the word Омуль, a whitefish. The river is also known as самой красивой и сложной реке северо-восточной Сибири (the most beautiful and most complex river of northeastern Siberia).

The trip would start in the middle of July, which is known as the peak of the mosquito season. But I'm still highly tempted. I've got goose bumps due to the excitement while I'm typing this...


Ms Mac said...

Don't let a couple of mozzies put you off! If I did that I'd never go anywhere! Wear you mozzie bites with pride, you'll be in great company!

Anonymous said...

Que paisaje tan hermoso! Comprendo tu excitación y tu alegria. Adelante, que la aventura es fascinante y hace vibrar lo más recóndito de tu ser.