Thursday, March 24, 2005

Ms.Mac For Ever And Ever

There are strange competitions going on, like blog of the month or whateva. What an ephemeral contest! We should crave for eternal excellence, nothing less. Luckily, wonderful things exist that are made for eternity and can't be beaten.

One of which is ms.mac's meanderings. In my humble opinion, this is the most inspiring and wittiest blog ever. Ms.Mac is not one of those heartless blog machines, who write only to satisfy a despicable narcissistic urge. Ms.Mac is a loving mother and wife, living in an alien environment (chapeau for anyone who can survive in Bäretswil). Of course, there are frictions in this universe. However, Ms.Mac handles these with charm and knows to write about them with wit and repartee.

I reckon, you know these centre of afflatus and I'm carrying owls to Athens, as we say in German. Hence, I stop my gabbling and reveal the award:


Ms Mac said...

Warning: Great Big Sap Alert!

I am so touched! Thankyou!

Mr. Urs said...

When I loose my job, maybe a newspaper might let me write for the obituary section.

Anonymous said...

I like you! Si, Doña Stella.

spentrails said...

This is simply delightful. Spread the love, baby.