Tuesday, July 05, 2005


The sockscription by blacksocks is really a handy service and one of the few Swiss e-businesses that is making both money and sense. Sockscription is essential for all of you, who are getting frustrated when there are always odd socks left in the laundry, or when your sock supply seems to consist solely of single socks that don't match. If you socksubscript, you'll receive three pairs of socks through the mail several times a year. Each new pair is guaranteed to match those you already have. And that tedious shopping for socks will be a thing of the past.

I’m not really sockscripting but order occasionally a 10er box. I prefer wool socks. The fabric is gentler to my feet than cotton. However, I use cotton socks when traveling, because hotel laundries don’t handle wool socks as gentle as they should. Unfortunately, blacksocks had so far only cotton socks. But today, I discovered that blacksocks has introduced cashmere-silk socks. I’ll have to give those a try run on my feet.


Anonymous said...

When I was in China I bought 30 pairs of black summer socks. Here that would have cost me a fortune.

Mr. Urs said...

A German who I met in Shanghai stopped washing socks, because buying new socks is cheaper than the laundry service in the hotel.

Ms Mac said...

Cashmere-Silk socks! How posh!