Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Ready Made

I'm back in India for, if I counted right, the seventh time. Hardely landed, I already had my first ready made tea. It consists of tea, cardamom, milk a loads of sugar.

Again. it was the hardcore redeye - that is, leaving Mumbai at 3 am and reaching Bangalore at 5:30 am. But generally, the domestic flights in India are rather good (unlike the domestic airports). There is a fierce competition going on and it's fought on the service side. In India I had the best dinner on an airliner ever (Jet Airways) and the only flight with an all women crew (Indian Airlines at the time, when Swissair a) still existed and b) was proud of having the first female co-pilot).

It has been a short night. I was not easy to go to works after only 1½ hours in a bed (at least a good one). But now I'll definitely spend more time in there and I'm going to dream of Toño.


Toño said...

I can imagine that you are very tired my angel, after such a long trip and then in addition having to work right after the flight.

Sweet dreams, my sunshine and try to relax.

Este poema te lo dedico a ti con mucho amor:

Velar tu sueño

Cuando tu duermes cariño,
soy yo quién tu cuida como a un niño.

Que no nos separe la distancia,
porque donde tu estes estara mi fragancia.

Acariciaré dulcemente tu cuerpo, santuario de amor,
para que tu sueñes conmigo, como si estuviese a tu alrededor.

Te abrazaré cada noche con ternura,
para que tu lejania no sea una tortura.

Te besaré suave y dulcemente repetidas veces amor,
para que en la distacia no haya dolor.


Rob7534 said...

Wow, that poem made me fall in love with you too, Tonio!


I like it so much, I'm going to steal it, and send it to this spanish guy I like!

Toño said...

The copyrights belong completely to gomad;)