Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Elevate My Car

Hinduism is a complex religion. I understand hardly anything of it and I'm not even trying to go into it here. Nevertheless, one of the most popular clichés is that - as a side-effect of the path of meditation - the true believer is able to elevate things and let it hover through space.

Yes, I'm only conjecturing when I say that this car dealer has a highly talented yogi among his staff:


Ryan said...

ok they have a ramp out back that they drive up into dont they?

Toño said...

Well he can not only elevate his cars but he can as well dislocate them. I am real impressed about his faith is strong...

Michael Lehet said...

I love that it's a Car "Super Market" I wonder if they sell apples and eggs as well?

Unknown said...

when I was younger I could never understand how they could get cars into a showroom full of glass and small front doors, probably the same concept!