Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Another Trip

Everything is confirmed. I'll abandon Toño again and he will have to celebrate the first Advent Sunday without me.

Tomorrow, I'm going to fly to Montreal in Canada. Thanks to side trip to British Columbia, I might at least reach Senator status (unlike last year).

I've decided to finally start with Ryszard Kapuściński's Travels with Herodotus. I reckon, this is the appropriate dissipation for a traveling senator.


Toño said...

Have a good and safe trip Sir... missing you already :(

Anonymous said...

Have a good trip gomad and come back safe and sound to tells us about your Canadian adventures!
À bientôt!

Unknown said...

You are going to BC and not seeing me. ;-)

Hope your trip is wonderful and maybe we will run into each other... haha doubt it.. :)

Unknown said...

congrats too on the senator status. Never knew of it. Had that while living in Switzerland and traveling lots.

I guess I'll wave to you as you pass by me within your short trip. We might actually be within a few kms of each other at some pt..