Thursday, April 29, 2010

Noah's Tulips

On Monday, I came to the conclusion that my office needs to be gayed up seriously. Thus I bought a bunch of flowers and placed them on my desk.

It took me over a day to realise that there are always two tulips of the same kind in it. I still do ask myself what this might mean.


Mickle in NZ said...

Tulips sending you subtle messages? They look glorious, and the apples below look good too.

(It might be Autumn here but I already feel hope for Springtime as the gardeners have just planted out the tulip bulbs in the Botanic Gardens)

MartininBroda said...

Stimmt, der Strauß ist etwas schizophren oder so ähnlich, sieht aber wunderbar aus, eine wirklich gute Idee.